Categories EntertainmentFeaturedMovies & TVReview

I’ve Tried Disney Plus – Should You?

For several years now, the streaming wars have been increasing in intensity as traditional cable and satellite television has taken a hit. Recognizing the success of Netflix, various media organizations around the world have jumped into the world of streaming content with both feet, all eager to get a piece of the pie. Earlier this week, Disney+ became the latest entry in the battle for eyeballs and dollars.

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Categories FeaturedSoftwareToolsWriting

Exploring ChatGPT and Writing

Note: This post contains affiliate links to various writing-related products. You make a purchase, I make a few bucks, simple as that. Over the last several months, the subject of artificial intelligence in creative fields has been in the news almost weekly. Artists have been upset about the implications of graphical AI’s like Midjourney while […]

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Categories FeaturedSoftwareToolsTutorialsWriting

Grammarly Now Works In Scrivener

Note: This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Over the last couple of years, I’ve shared my experience using Grammarly with Scrivener on multiple occasions. Although Grammarly has had its own editor, it was never able to load Scrivener projects directly. A workaround for […]

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Categories FeaturedNanowrimoOnline Writing LogToolsWriting

Track Your NaNoWriMo Progress With The Writing Log 3

November is closing in and for those of us that like to write, November means it’s time for National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. Announce your project on their website, prep your outline and prepare to write at least 1,667 words every day in November to reach the monthly target of 50,000 words. Yes, 50,000 […]

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Categories FeaturedNanowrimoWriting

Writing Resources For NaNoWriMo And Beyond

Every year as NaNoWriMo approaches, it is likely you’ll be able to take advantage of some great deals on writing related items. From writing software like Scrivener to grammar checkers like ProWritingAid and Grammarly, resources for writers abound and often and a discount. In fact, you can check out the NaNoWriMo Sponsor Offers on the […]

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Categories FeaturedSoftwareToolsTutorialsWriting

Sync Scrivener 3 With Android Devices For Writing On The Go

Note: This page contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. It’s been about four years now since my original post about how to sync Scrivener with Android devices for writing on the go. Since then, Scrivener 3 has been released for Windows and I felt it […]

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