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NaNoWriMo Is Approaching – Are You Ready?

Introducing NaNoInspo

NaNoWriMo, the writing event of the year, is less than thirty days out. Right now, as you’re reading this, thousands of people around the world are scurrying around, prepping plots, outlining their works, building worlds and creating characters. Because, ready or not, once midnight strikes and November 1 is here, putting all that on paper will be priority #1.

As for me, I have not yet decided whether I’ll be writing a new story or not. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll be far away.

Some of you may be aware that for the last year I’ve been developing an app intended to help writers set realistic writing goals on a monthly basis, as well as track their progress towards those goals. As the app has matured throughout this year, I’ve been exploring ways in which to get the app into the hands of those that it’s intended to help: writers.

When my good friend Martin McConnell contacted me and wondered whether I’d be interested in trying to cook up something in support of NaNoWriMo, I knew it was the perfect opportunity. After some back and forth and a healthy dose of Marty’s brilliance, NaNoInspo was born.

Ok, NaNoInsp? What is NaNoInspo? NaNoInspo is, at its core, an email campaign intended to support those that participate in NaNoWriMo by sending daily emails with links to inspirational blog posts throughout the month of November. It’s our way of providing encouragement throughout the month. As an added bonus, he’s discounting one of his books and I’m providing premium access to OWL for the month.

As an added bonus (and incentive), Marty has pulled together an impressive array of prizes, including books and writing-related services. At the end of November, once NaNoWriMo is done, there will be a random drawing for these prizes. All NaNoInspo participants that complete NaNoWriMo will be eligible to win.

So, for us, November kind of begins now. How about you? What are you waiting for? Hop on over to the NaNoInspo party page and start your NaNoWriMo journey today and prepare to be inspired throughout your writing journey.

We hope you’ll join us and we look forward to supporting your NaNoWriMo journey!

I'm just one of those guys that like well as drawing, writing, reading, coding and a whole bunch of other things I rarely have time for.