As a casual fiction writer, one aspect of writing a story I constantly struggle with is planning. To be frank, I don’t like it. The thought of spending hours sketching out plotlines, scenes and characters, it’s overwhelming and not motivating at all. I’m a pantser through and through. I tend to just sit down and […]
Read MoreTag: nanowrimo
Track Your NaNoWriMo Progress With The Writing Log 3
November is closing in and for those of us that like to write, November means it’s time for National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. Announce your project on their website, prep your outline and prepare to write at least 1,667 words every day in November to reach the monthly target of 50,000 words. Yes, 50,000 […]
Read MoreWriting Resources For NaNoWriMo And Beyond
Every year as NaNoWriMo approaches, it is likely you’ll be able to take advantage of some great deals on writing related items. From writing software like Scrivener to grammar checkers like ProWritingAid and Grammarly, resources for writers abound and often and a discount. In fact, you can check out the NaNoWriMo Sponsor Offers on the […]
Read MoreTrack Your Novel Progress With NovProg
As many writers out there, when I write I tend to set monthly goals in one way or another to keep myself motivated. Personally, I use the Online Writing Log for this purpose, but there are of course many other apps that will do the same, although differently. NovProg is one of those apps. NovProg […]
Read MoreIntroducing The Writing Log II
Before the Online Writing Log came about, I did all tracking of my writing goals in a spreadsheet. It started out simple and eventually evolved into something complex that involved monthly goals, projects, different activities and more. It was this increased complexity that eventually drove me to just create the Online Writing Log. However, throughout […]
Read MoreAn Unexpected Ending To NaNoWriMo 2018
It was Thursday, November 29th. I had been furiously tapping away at my keyboard throughout the day, using every single moment available to me to get more words in. The deadline of NaNoWriMo was looming, just over 24 hours away. I had to get there. I was determined to get there. The day before, I […]
Read MoreNaNoWriMo Is Approaching – Are You Ready?
NaNoWriMo, the writing event of the year, is less than thirty days out. Right now, as you’re reading this, thousands of people around the world are scurrying around, prepping plots, outlining their works, building worlds and creating characters. Because, ready or not, once midnight strikes and November 1 is here, putting all that on paper […]
Read MoreMy Plan for NaNoWriMo
As I’m writing this, there are just hours remaining before the 2017 edition of NaNoWriMo begins. Writers all over the world are prepping their stories, ready to start writing at midnight November 1st. In fact, depending on the time zone, some have already begun. The last few weeks, I’ve been going back and forth on […]
Read MoreHow To Track Your Nanowrimo Writing
In just a few days from now, thousands of writers around the world will embark on a writing adventure. They will spend a whole month writing, their goal to finish their novel or reach 50000 words. Some spend months preparing, others just sit down and write. I’ve done both. This year, I’m not yet sure […]
Read MoreFinishing My First NaNoWriMo 2015 Novel Draft
As of December 19th, I finally completed the first draft of my NaNoWriMo 2015 Novel Backtrace. Together with making 50,000 words by the end of November (a day early, in fact), I’m elated that the first draft is behind me and that all that hard work paid off and the pressure is, well, off. With the […]
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