Categories FeaturedFiction WritingReadingStoriesWriting

The Descent Joins The Wattpad Paid Stories Program

As many of you know, over the last few years I’ve been writing and posting stories, long and short, on Wattpad. I’ve detailed some of my experiences with Wattpad over the years, in particular with regards to my novel The Descent. The Descent was originally written as a 2,000 word short story during the spring months of 2017 (you can read […]

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Categories FeaturedFiction WritingNanowrimoWriting

Onward We Go – The Post-Wattys Plan

Today, there’s about 60 or so very excited Wattpad writers out there. They’re part of the winners of one of largest, if not THE largest, writing contest on the planet. Out of 300k+ entries, they made it to the very top. I congratulate them on their well-deserved win. CONGRATULATIONS. Well done! Alas, as for myself, […]

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Categories FeaturedWriting

Shortlisted For The Wattys 2018

By now, you may have seen the buzz about The Wattys shortlist around Twitter and elsewhere. People all over the place are jumping up and down after finding out they’re on the Wattys 2018 shortlist. I’m one of those people. For those that don’t hang around Wattpad every day, what does that mean? What the […]

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Categories FeaturedSoftwareTutorialsWriting

How To Create A Wattpad Comment Archive – Part 1/3

One of the best aspects of Wattpad is the reader feedback. It really is. As a writer, it helps me see what you like, what you don’t like and that it turns helps me see what can be improved and what needs to go in the trash. Yet, comments can also be a bit frustrating. For feedback to make sense, it has to be useful. You have to be able to make sense of what your readers are telling you, right?

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