About six months ago, I looked back on a year of participation in the Monthly Writing Challenge on Twitter and what that had meant for my writing output. The results were pretty good, I thought. I wrote more in that one year than I ever had in a year before. I didn’t stop there though. Since then, I’ve continued to write, some months more than others.
What I never really have done is look back at how I’m doing on a monthly basis. How do I compare from month to month? I’ve always intended to do this, I just have never quite gotten around to it. These last few weeks, thanks to a project I’m working on with a fellow writer on Twitter, I’ve found the motivation to actually do something about it.
With February behind us, starting with February makes sense. Unfortunately, since the only thing I’ve really tracked so far is word count, my stats are a bit limited beyond just pure word count. In this case, it’ll have to do.
My total word count for February is, by week, as follows:
Week 1: 4,408
Week 2: 3,962
Week 3: 4,276
Week 4: 5,615
Grand total at the end of the month: 18,261 words. That’s enough for a novella, multiple short stories or a whole bunch of flash fiction.
Here’s a visual to go along with the numbers:

Most of this was spent working on the continuation of my short story Intervention with a few other blog post that are coming soon have also contributed. I’ve also written a few flash fiction stories for Facebook and collected some background information for upcoming stories.
For March, I’ll be tracking a bit better using the tracking spreadsheet I’ve been working on. I’ll share more about this once the design has been completed and its out of its Alpha stages.
As for topics, March will see the end of the first draft of Intervention, a few short stories and undoubtedly some flash fiction. I’m also working on some blog posts that I hope to start pushing out here in the next few weeks.
What about you? What are you working on for March?
Almost 50k on feb. looking forward to finish my first draft this month
That’s awesome! Well done. What genre are you writing in?