Categories AndroidFeaturedFiction WritingSoftwareToolsWriting

Sync Scrivener With Android Devices For Writing On The Go

For many that engage in novel writing or any writing for that matter, Scrivener is a well-known program. It’s been around for quite a while and has served many of us well. With its availability on both Mac and Windows (as well as Linux for a limited time), pretty much anyone with a desktop or […]

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Categories AndroidFeaturedReadingSoftwareWriting

Exploring More Short Fiction With Chat Stories By Tap

A few months ago, I explored what I labeled microfiction using an app called Talehunt. Today, I’m about to explore yet another short fiction style that may be on the upswing: chat stories. Most of you that read this have used SMS, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Google Hangouts, Snapchat or any of the other chat apps […]

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Categories Writing

February Writing Scorecard

About six months ago, I looked back on a year of participation in the Monthly Writing Challenge on Twitter and what that had meant for my writing output. The results were pretty good, I thought. I wrote more in that one year than I ever had in a year before. I didn’t stop there though. […]

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Categories Flash FictionStories


Maxwell looked at the contraption on the table in front of him. It was about the size of a box of matches although completely smooth on all sides, not unlike a pebble shaped by centuries of a mountain streams. He tentatively reached for it but changed his mind when one of the doctors coughed his […]

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